The Home-Stretch
Well, Road Chief was supposed to kick off the driving this
morning, but she over-served herself with celebratory beers last night, so Johnny started
at the helm. We left around 6am and I am pleased to announce that we made it to
Here, you can see Twin Falls. It's not the "falls" part, but the river part. We were too lazy/anxious to stop and take an actual photo. But you can make out the canyon and the river in this pic.
I have less nice things to say about Nevada. It was blah, dry brownness FOREVER. At one point, the landscape was literally just
piles of rocks.
<- This went on for about 150 miles without cell service. That was torturous for us Millenials.
<- Piles of rocks.
Okay, Nevada wasn't all bad. This is kind of magnificent, actually.
As we got closer to Cali, the landscape drastically changed
from brown to green and we could smell the pine trees!! When we finally saw the “Welcome to
California” sign, we could have cried. After so many months of planning and
agonizing, we actually made it!!!
We are so excited to be here that pumping gas is fun!
This road-trip was the perfect way to start our California
life together. I can confirm that Johnny
and I get along weirdly well, particularly considering the close quarters and
lack of sleep. I am so happy to be
starting this chapter with him. This is going to be a very exciting year!
Now that the road-trip has come to an end, we will tackle
some key items: Apartment hunt, lease Emily a convertible bug, and start our
new jobs! July 2013 has definitely been
a monumental month.
Thank you all for following our blog! It was fun to keep
track of our adventure and share it with you. I love you very much and
can’t wait for you to visit! Until then, picture us here: